The Govemment of the United Republic of Tanzanie (URT) through the Ministry responsible for Health continues to monitor preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19 induding those related to intermational travel in view of the current trend of COVID T Globally, the Government is updating its Travel Advisory No 11 of 8 September, 2022 of Tanzania Mainland to version No. 12, ufletive from 12 January 2023 to accommodate measures as follows:
1. All travelers entering or Transiting URT through land borders, sea ports or airports are advised to be fully vaccinated as per approved schedule of primary vaccination against COVID 18 in their respective countries
2. All travelers entering of transiting URT Mainland through land borders, sealaks ports তা airports are not required to present a COVID19 vaccination certificate or RT-PCR certificate or perform Rapid Antigan Test on amval unless stated otherwise by conveyance to be used or country of their final destination. However, for surveillance purposes Port Health Officals may at any time perform COVID-18 Rapid Antigen Test thee of charge for randomly selected travelers during antval at points of enby
3. On arrival, thermal and physical screening will be dont Passengers found to he symptomatic during screening will be immediately isolated and handied as per health prolosiol
All travelers departing from Tanzania should seek information prior to departure from thee travel agents regarding COVID-19 requirements of their country of destination of conveyance to be used
5. For travelers departing from Tanzanse whom conveyances and destination countries requires RT-PCR certificates, teet will be done at designaled places at their own cost of TZS 115,000 (50 USD) or perform Rapid Antigen Test before departure at their own costs
of 728 23,000 (10 USD)
6. All travelers should self-monitor their health post anival and shall report to their nearest health facility or call Toll Free Health Emergency Number: 189 for Tanzania Mainland
NEI This Travel Advisory will be reviewed from time to time as need arisea.